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A 2006 HBR article by the authors of The Power of Sales Analytics, highlighted that businesses who revise and align their field force to market opportunities were able to boost their profit margin by 4.5%[1], through modifying the field force size and adapting resource utilisation.)

In our experience, determining the right field force size can be an arduous task. Hours are spent running scenarios in Excel, trying to model customer numbers, geographic boundaries, and market opportunities.

This is often done without all the data available leading to inaccurate results. It can take weeks to model and even months to gain the business support for a proposal. The difficulty behind this process is a disincentive to review and optimise the field force regularly.

But we can see a simpler and faster way to deliver these results to our clients! We have created Metis, a cloud-based field force management tool that can help you build a field force in 3 days reducing the time it takes to balance resources across territories by 80%.

Metis allows you to optimise resource deployment, manage ongoing field force changes and monitor field force performance in real-time.

Metis’ end-to-end field force management capabilities are enabled through its four modules:

Metis Designer — Field force design and resource optimisation

Metis Manager — Management of field force changes

Metis Tracker — Analyse and monitor your field force performance

Metis Near Me — Customer navigation and sales reps recommendation engine

If you’re looking for a faster way to boost your gross margin through field force optimisation then try out the demo on our website.

If you want to experience the full potential of Metis, drop us an email and we’ll organize a 30 minute workshop to demonstrate the entire set of functionalities.